Moodbidri: St Ignatius Loyola Church, Paladka Begins Centenary Preparations
Hilary D'Souza, Paladka
Moodbidri, Dec 5: St Ignatius Loyola Church, Paladka will complete 100 years of its existence during the end of November 2013 and in this direction, the parishioners under the guidance of parish priest Fr Gilbert D'Souza joined the preparatory celebrations on Sunday December 4, at the church ground in the presence of five guest priests, the pastoral parishad vice-president Andrew D'Souza and the secretary Victor A D'Souza
All the parishioners assembled in the places earmarked according to their respective wards as a beginning of the process of celebrations. The pastoral parishad vice-president welcomed the guest priests, parish priest as well as the Gurkars of various Wards and the members of the parish parishad, office-bearers of the various associations and the parishioners. Parish priest Fr Gilbert D'Souza honoured the guest priests with flowers.

The lamp with 10 wicks representing the 10 wards and the 10 projects was lit by the senior-most couple of the parish Peter Cardoza and his wife, a male and a female child, youth representing YCS and ICYM, Gurkars representing 10 different wards and office-berares of other asscoiations like Sthree Sanghatan, Catholic Sabha, Christopher Association, Franciscan 3rd Order, Vishenth Paul Sabha, Ligeon of Mary, Alter Boys etc as a symbol of different sections of the parishioners.
The centenary logo with the slogan 'Fullness of Life for All' and also depicting 10 projects was unveiled thereafter by the parish priest accompanied by the parish pastoral parishad vice-president and the secretary in the presence of the guests and the parishioners.
The 10 projects adopted for implementation were: 1. Vibrant Community of Faith 2. Health for All 3. Clean and Green Paladka – Good Environment 4. Blooming up of talents in every child 5. One for all, All for one 6. Politically Awakened Community 7. Financial Stability for All 8. Good, Prayerful Atmosphere for Adoration 9. Empowered Women 10. Loving, Amicable Family Relation in the Parish Community.
100 baloons were released and flown by different ward representatives as a symbol of 100 activities to be achieved under the 10 projects until the centenary year.
Religious rituals commenced with a prayer and reading from the Gospel by the guest priests. Holy Mass was followed soon after the prayer service. The main celebrant of the Holy Mass was Fr Francis Rodrigues, editor, “Raknno” Weekly and the co-celebrants were Fr Oswald Monteiro, director of RUSEMP, parish priest of Pakshikere Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza, assistant director pastoral institute, Mangalore Fr Vijay Machado, Redemptorist priest of Alangar Fr Henry Fernandes and The Parish priest of the church Fr Gilbert D'Souza. In his preaching Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza conveyed a wonderful message saying “The way to Heaven passes through the way of your neighbour's yard” which touched the heart of devotees. The choir group enhanced the devotion with their melodious singing during the Holy Mass.
The entire programme was applauded by the guest priests who said that it was a unique beginning towards the preparation for a centenary year, in a befitting manner under the guidance of the parish priest and the able support of parish pastoral parishad as representatives of the parishioners. The entire programme was ably compered by the secretary. A vote of thanks was proposed by the vice-president.
At the end, light refreshments were served to the parishioners.