Chennai, Aug 6 (IANS): Tamil Nadu BJP chief K. Annamalai on Tuesday called upon the state Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin to change the rules for conducting the Chief Minister’s trophy 2024.
“There should be grouping students in the three categories based on their age. As per the National Sports Federation of India (NSFOI) rules, students should be categorised into three groups, based on age 11 to 14, 14 to 17 and 17 to 19,” the BJP state chief wrote on X.
He said that in the Chief Minister’s Trophy 2024 rules, students aged between 12 and 19 have been categorised as a single group, against NSFOI rules.
“It would be irrational to make a 12-year-old compete against a 19-year-old,” he added.
He said that a contest without proper age categorisation would deny equal opportunities for the contestants.
He added that this would lead to a sense of distress among the students and added that this would even affect their future.
He said that the Tamil Nadu Sports Minister seems not to have any understanding of his portfolio as also the objective of conducting such an event.