Centre speeds up industrial corridor projects worth Rs 8,175 crore

New Delhi, June 27 (IANS): The Centre has given the finishing touches to four projects under the National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (NICDC) pertaining to the development of Integrated Manufacturing Clusters (IMCs) in Uttar Pradesh's Agra and Prayagraj, Hisar in Haryana and Gaya in Bihar with an estimated investment of Rs 8,175 crore, the Commerce and Industry Ministry said on Thursday.

The projects aim to develop state-of-the-art manufacturing hubs adhering to Industry 4.0 standards, including smart technologies, logistics, residential, and commercial facilities, along with educational and healthcare services.

The IMCs will cater to sectors such as E-Mobility, food processing, FMCG, leather and apparel.

The projects were taken up for evaluation at the 73rd meeting of the Network Planning Group under PM GatiShakti chaired by Additional Secretary, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Rajeev Singh Thakur on June 21.

During the meeting, all projects were evaluated for their integrated planning and conformity with the PM GatiShakti principles.

Emphasis was placed on the socio-economic benefits, improved connectivity, reduced transit costs and enhanced efficiency, the Ministry said.

These projects are expected to play a pivotal role in improving connectivity, enhancing logistics efficiency, and establishing advanced manufacturing ecosystems across India, poised to drive industrial growth, boost competitiveness, and contribute significantly to the nation's economic development goals.



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