Allow Engineer Rashid to take oath as MP: Ghulam Nabi Azad to Centre

Srinagar, June 26, (IANS): Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) and former J&K Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday urged the Central government to allow Engineer Rashid to take oath as a Member of Parliament.

Rashid, who is lodged in jail since 2019 after being charged by the NIA in a terror-funding case, defeated former J&K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah from the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat as an Independent candidate in the recent elections.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Azad said, “As Engineer Rashid secured a decisive victory in the Lok Sabha polls with overwhelming public support, the government should acknowledge the mandate and allow him to take the oath.

"His constituents in the four districts of Kashmir deserve representation without delay. If the law permitted his candidacy, it should equally permit his full participation in parliamentary proceedings.

“His family and followers have been in pain for the last five years as Rashid remains in jail. I must appreciate his two sons who campaigned for their father and ensured his victory in the Lok Sabha elections.

"People voted for him in large numbers, showing their belief in the Constitution. Therefore, the government must release him and allow him to take his oath, considering these factors."


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