Shimla, June 18 (IANS): The Himachal Pradesh government on Tuesday cancelled the leave of all employees and officers of the Jal Shakti Department as the drought situation worsened owing to the prevailing heatwave.
It has been observed that various complaints are being received, particularly regarding scarcity and inequitable distribution of drinking water, and damages to water supply schemes. Keeping in view the adverse situation and in order to provide proper drinking water facilities to the public, it has been decided by the government that officers and officials of the department will not be granted any kind of leave, a government statement said.
Department employees have been directed to remain present at their respective places of posting and in case, any officer or official has already proceeded on leave, he or she will be directed to report to their respective place of posting.
The government said all the Engineer-in-Chief, Chief Engineer, and Superintending Engineers of the Jal Shakti Department have been instructed to sort out the issue relating to the shortage of water.