Focus on Prithviraj, Anantjeet and Rajeshwari as NRAI reveals shotgun squad for Paris Olympics

New Delhi, June 18 (IANS): The National Rifle Association of India (NRAI), post a meeting of the national selection committee, on Tuesday revealed the Indian shotgun team for the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Senior trap shooter Prithviraj Tondaiman has made the cut in the Men’s Trap, while Rajeshwari Kumari will take aim in the Women’s Trap. Anantjeet Singh Naruka will be India’s sole representative in Men’s Skeet while Raiza Dhillon and Maheshwari Chauhan (Women’s Skeet) complete the five quota places that the Shotgun squad had earned.

Maheshwari and Anantjeet will also feature as the sole Indian pair in the Skeet Mixed Team event, which is making a debut at the Paris Games. Incidentally, all five named will also be competing in their first Olympic Games.

Kr. Sultan Singh, Secretary General, NRAI, said after the meeting, “There was intense competition for places and things could have changed in case some Shooters medalled at the recently concluded Lonato World Cup. But we believe that we have a great Shotgun team, which has won the highest ever spots for India at any Games and certainly a second Olympic medal in the discipline looks a strong possibility.”

He also revealed that the name of Women’s Trap shooter Shreyasi Singh had also been approved by the committee and that the NRAI had written to the ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) for a quota swap. In this situation, her name could only be published post receiving necessary approvals from the ISSF.


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