Hardeep Puri slams ‘revdi' politics, says Oppn trapped in its own web of lies

New Delhi, June 17 (IANS): Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday hit out at ‘revdi' politics and said that such a culture of freebies will not only prove to be ‘suicidal’ for political parties, but will also have ‘serious and irreversible’ implications for the country in the long run.

The Union Minister told IANS that lies and false promises form the very basis of revdi politics and those promising them have to become answerable, sooner or later.

Citing the example of many women thronging Congress offices in Lucknow and other cities, he said that people remember everything and they won’t let the politicians get away easily.

“Today, they are assembling at party offices and demanding their first instalment of Rs 8,500 into their accounts," he pointed out.

He also said that the Opposition parties are trapped in their own web of lies and are now wriggling to find a way out of this imbroglio.

“It is a situation of their making and they are now desperately wanting to come out of it,” he told IANS.

The Union Minister also slammed the Arvind Kejriwal government in Delhi over the mismanagement in the city’s transport corporation.

“Earlier, there were about 10,000 buses under Delhi Transport Corporation, but now it seems that they have been reduced to 2,500,” he said.

Notably, Kejriwal-led AAP unseated the Congress government with three consecutive terms in Delhi on promises of freebies, including free power and water.



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