‘Swami Koragajja’ drama of Kalaspandana Mumbai gets three awards

Daijiworld Media Network – Mumbai (MS)

Mumbai, Jun 17: Kalaspandana Mumbai team bagged three prizes for their ‘Swami Koragajja’ drama in the Dr Shivarama Karanta Natakotsava (state level Kannada Ekanka drama competition – 2024), which was held by Karnataka Sangha Andheri and Kannada Kala Kendra Mumbai with the active cooperation of Karnataka border development authority.

Dr Rashma Shetty won the first prize in best actress category, while Suchit Shetty bagged first prize in best child actor category and Swami Koragajja drama got the third best drama award.

Baba Prasad Arasa Kuthyar (left) and Prashant C K

The drama was written by Prashant C K. Baba Prasad Arasa Kutyaru was the director and music was provided by Rajesh Hegde. The play was staged on June 8 at Bantara Bhavana Kurla Mumbai.





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