Yoon returns home from 3-nation Central Asia tour

Seoul, Jun 16 (IANS): South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol returned home on Sunday from a week-long trip to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan that focused on strengthening economic ties with the resource-rich nations.

Yoon paid state visits to all three countries and held summits with their leaders as part of his diplomatic push to secure critical minerals and energy supplies amid global supply chain uncertainties, Yonhap news agency reported.

During the trip, he introduced the "K-Silk Road" initiative, centered on creating a new cooperation model by linking South Korea's innovative capabilities with Central Asia's abundant resources and development potential.

South Korea signed critical minerals supply chain partnerships with each country, while South Korean companies finalised major infrastructure deals, including railway manufacturer Hyundai Rotem's $200 million contract to supply six high-speed trains to Uzbekistan Railways Corp.



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