Lovlina bags silver in Grand Prix competition

New Delhi, Jun 16 (IANS): Olympic bronze medalist Indian boxer Lovlina Borgohain bagged a silver medal in the Grand Prix 2024 competition held in the Czech Republic.

Lovlina (75 kg) lost 2-3 in her third bout against Li Qian of China on the final day of the competition.

She won the first bout 3-2 against England's Chantal Reid but lost the second 0-5 against Cindy Ngamba of Olympic Refuge team.

The competition was held in a round-robin format from June 12 to 15.

The Grand Prix tournament is being hosted with the support of World Boxing and it features four boxers in the 75 kg women’s weight category namely Borgohain, Ngamba, Qian, and Chantal Reid.



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