Chennai, June 1 (IANS): The News 18 Tamil channel Exit Polls have projected the INDIA bloc to win 36-39 seats in the Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu. Significantly, the projections also said that after a long gap, the BJP is set to win seats, ranging from 1-3, in the southern state, while the opposition AIADMK front is expected to bag 0-2 seats.
News 18 Tamil conducted the Exit Polls jointly with POLLHUB.
State Minister and DMK General Secretary S. Duraimurugan told IANS that the INDIA bloc would sweep the polls and that the final results on June 4 would be more than what is being projected by the various Exit Polls.
He also said that the DMK-led INDIA bloc candidates in the state would register convincing wins in all the constituencies.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the DMK won 38 out of the 39 seats in the state, while the remaining seat was won by the AIADMK which was a part of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) then.