Pakistan: 14 killed in road accident due to brake failure

Islamabad, May 18 (IANS/DPA): At least 14 people were killed when a mini lorry carrying a family plunged into a ditch due to brake failure, the rescue service said on Saturday.

The incident took place in the Khushab district of the central Punjab province early Saturday morning.

The vehicle was carrying members of a family who were travelling to a neighbouring district for work.

"At least 14 people, including five children and two women, were killed in the accident," Usman Haider, a spokesperson for the local rescue service, said.

The death toll is feared to rise as at least eight people were in critical condition.

Haider said the driver was speeding, and the accident occurred due to brake failure.

He added that the vehicle was carrying 26 people.

Road accidents are common in Pakistan due to a lack of infrastructure, poorly maintained vehicles and careless driving.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, around 9,000 road accidents are reported every year, killing more than 5,000 people.


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