Bhopal, May 6 (IANS): Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, on Monday, said that his government will provide an ex gratia sum of Rupees one crore to kins of Indian Air Force (IAF) soldier Cpl Vikki Pahade, who was killed by militants in Poonch region of J&K on May 4. A compensation of the same amount will be provided to Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Mahendra Bagri, who was killed by sand mafia in Shahdol district late on May 3.
In an official statement issued on Monday, CM Yadav said that the state government would send a proposal to the Election Commission regarding approval for the ex gratia sum as the Model Code of Conduct for Lok Sabha elections is in force.
"The state government will send the proposal to the Election Commission for the approval of ex gratia of Rupees one crore to kins of ASI Mahendra Bagri and IAF Jawan Vikki Pahade," Chief Minister's Office said on Monday.
CM Yadav will also attend the funeral of martyred Vikki Pahade and has left for Chhindwara.
The last rites of ASI Mahendra Bagri was performed on Sunday, in the presence of Shahdol Collector and SP. This was the second instance in six months when sand mafiya ran a tractor-trolly loaded with illegally mined sand over a government servant.
In December last year, a Patwari (regional revenue officer) was crushed to death by sand mafia in Shahdol district.