Dubai: Devadiga Sangha Felicitates Dr Veerappa Moily
Media Release
Dubai, Oct 1: Union corporate affairs minister and poet Dr M Veerappa Moily and Malathi Moily were accorded a warm and hearty welcome by the members of the Devadiga Sangha Dubai on Friday September 30.
Dr Moily who is on his first visit to Dubai was felicitated by the Sangha in a brief, cordial reception held at the Hotel Grand Hyaat Dubai.
The couple interacted with the community members freely and inquired about their well-being. In the introduction session Dr Moily showed keen interest in imparting information about his native place and stories of his upbringing. He and his wife expressed their happiness in being in the midst of the large Devadiga family.

Dr Moily and Malathi Moily were felicitated traditionally with a bouquet, shawl and a memento to commemorate their visit to Dubai.
In his address to the Sangha Dr Moily stressed how hard work, focus and complete involvement with each issue have bought him success. He vividly recalled the hardships he faced in his younger days and was nostalgic about his parents, who lived with honesty and simplicity and shaped his life.
Pointing at the many children who were present, Dr Moily expressed that the parents' wholehearted participation in the development of their children is most essential and advised the children to be more focused, fearless and dedicated in their studies.
Apart from his duties as corporate affairs minister, Dr Moily has embarked on a much acclaimed literary journey. "Shree Ramayana Mahanveshanam", penned by him, has become a landmark in modern Kannada literature. He expressed how his wife, Malathi Moily, has been his inspiration as well as his biggest critic.
He said his daily routine of waking up at 4.30 am and spending the first three hours of his day on his literary expedition gives him inner strength and satisfaction. After writing a book on Ramanayana, Moily is currently engaged in penning a book titled 'Srimudi Parikramana' based on the epic Mahabharat.
Earlier B G Mohandas welcomed the esteemed guests and the audience. Dr Arvind Salian and Viveka Arvind Salian; Narayan Devadiga and Mallika Narayan Devadiga, Harish Sherigar; Padma Sanjay; Anand Devadiga and Shobha Anand Devadiga; Ramesh Devadiga and Nanda Ramesh Devadiga; Bharath and Gayathri Bharath; Nithyananda Beskoor and Kiran Nithyananda Beskoor; Dinesh Devadiga and Rekha Dinesh Devadiga; Dinesh Devadiga and Vishala Dinesh Devadiga; Laxmidas Rao; Dileep Devadiga; Preetham Sherigar and Nalinakshi Sherigar; Yashoda Mohandas, Lalin Acharya, Nidhi Ullal, Akil Mohandas and many others graced the occasion.