Mangalore: Follow College Rules: Minorities Commission Chairman on Headscarf Issue

Mangalore: Follow College Rules: Minorities Commission Chairman on Headscarf Issue
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS)

Mangalore, Sep 14: Parents should read college prospectus carefully before admitting their children in educational institutions, said Karnataka Minority Commission chairman Anwar Manipady, with regard to the issue of wearing headscarf in college premises.

Speaking to press persons here on Tuesday September 13 with reference to the case of Hadiya Iqbal (Mumtaz) of Moodbidri Jain College, he said that if the college policy says no to headscarves, then every girl must follow the rule.

Reading the prospectus and getting familiar with the college rules will keep the problem regarding dress code and headscarves at bay, he opined.
If parents do not agree with the rules regarding the dress code mentioned in the college prospectus, they need not admit their wards, he said.
He further said that without having read the prospectus carefully, parents and students should not expect the institution to be lenient on religious grounds. The rules of the college are equal to all, and raising issues with this matter is not good, he added.

Last month, Hadiya Iqbal had been told by the management of Jain College not to wear headscarf in the classroom. She approached the deputy commissioner and later also asserted that she would appeal to the President of India, if required, to claim her right to wear the hijab.



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  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 19 2011

    Reply to Natasha :
    Know that ever since our country became a secular republic country it has adopted the names 'Bharat' and 'India'. Look at your indian passport for confirmation of this fact. Also take a close look at our national anthem, you will notice only the word 'Bharat' mentioned.
    Also dont compare India and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is ruled by Sheikhs like a monarchy. They are not a secular democractic republic like India. They dont vote their leader. So their rules are different whereas India being a secular democracy rules of equality as guaranteed in the Indian constitution are for all citizens.
    Though this story is not on the front screen now I request Daijiworld to please publish it for the benefit of the reader.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Fri, Sep 16 2011


    Its time to change your records. Nuns in India now don't cover their heads, they wear very respected Indian outfit - Saree - without headscarf.

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  • anna ramdev, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 16 2011

    Mr Anwar Manipady is the worst kind of political oppourtunist we have ever seen . I wonder how his conscience allows him to serve a party which has massacred his own people.when he talks of headscraf Mr Manipady is only following orders of his bosses in the RSS in order to whip up communal is not in the interest of muslims of our region to play into the hands of RSS and make this headscraf a religiuos or political issue .Let us muslims be sensible and understand the real motives of people who play divisive politics.

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  • George A.Borromeo, angelore, Mangalore, India

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Extremely sorry for the Typing error dear Readers. I mean to write SIKH Religion. Thanks Ismael for highlighting my typing error.

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    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    @ M.Bhat /Mumbai...Your comments are 'MOORKA THANDA PARAMAVADHI' and does not warrant any counter comments.On the other hand most of time U R off and when matter of controversial issue crops up and certainly Muslim' are happy with your 'sadist'comments.You need some kind of counselling.

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    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    very good commment from, NATASHA/MANGALORE/DELHI.

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  • Nayaz, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Dear Mr.Manipaddy,
    India being a decomcratic country and a society and colleges been part of this system are not bigger than the consitution itself,which clearly talks about following ,preaching the religion of our kindly understand the stand of each individual before you speak.....

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  • natasha, mangalore/Delhi

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Well said Mr.Anwar Manipady!!!
    Well if this lady Hadiya Iqbal (Mumtaz)is so determined to follow her religious rules, she is free to do so, but let her opt for a muslim institution or madrasa. And if she wants to study in a non muslim institution then she must very well follow the rules and regulations of that institution. Let this happen in other countries,

    I am a non muslim and been to Saudi arabia, I used to wear the burqa and head scarf there, because it was the rule of tht country and believe me it was mandatory for every non muslim women to wear this attire.. I live in the north, which is predominntly the land of the mughals and muslims, but I was surprised to see not even 1 woman wearing burqa. This is prominent in the south. Iam a non Hindu too, but we must realize, India is a Hindu nation tht's y it is also known as 'HINDUSTAN' but this is a great nation, which has welcomed people of every religion.And we must be grateful that we can live so freely here. Ask your self honestly do u think u could be doing this kind of drama in any other country?????

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  • Mansoor M H, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Dear All,

    Islam is religion of peace and simple to accept.There is nothing wrong in headscarf Islam says respect women.Islam says a womenshould never her skin to outside men ,this means alot.

    All religion women should also practise this and protect themselves.

    A girl from good family ground is relfected in her dressing.

    Holy quran has told each and every points and forsen things 1432 years.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Sep 15 2011


    People like you are great disgrace to India in general and your community in particular. Here its not the majority issue. If a muslim girls wears head scarf in the school, she is following her norms and it will in no way contradict your religous beliefs and practices. Its not gurukulas where one has to have a shendi and janiwar. Its a secular public educational instititution and not an institution owned by a particular religious group. By your feelings of hatred and devision, I feel, more than me you deserve to be expelled from India forever never to come back.

    People who devide India on ethinic lines and on faiths are sworn enemies of our country and has no right to live in our country. Indian is one who respect Indian constitution and its laws and those who oppose our great constitutions are our aliens to us and you are in no way exception to this thumb rule. Mind your own business...

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  • Mohammed Asif Padubidri, Dubai

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Nothing wrong in Anwar's Statement,But Let the schools & colleges in india make thier Prospectus or rules & regulations liberal so that muslim sisters can wear head scarf, sikh brothers can wear tubans, christian nuns can wear her Cross, Hindu can wear Rudraksha & so on....

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  • Iqbal, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Well we will start our own educational institution. All our brothers must come together and contribute for our own welfare.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 15 2011

    Mustafa, ksa
    joke of the century - - Islam is religion of peace ah ah ah ae aha. We read alot about ISLAMIC PEACE in news paper everyday

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  • amin, Mulky

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    SACH KADVA LAGTA HAI...People can't digest the truth.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi
    Tell me whats wrong in Mr.Anwar Mannipadys statement. How does it hurts your religous sentiments? he has not asked your female folks to come naked to school. If you cannot respect rules of the school then you are NOT fit to live in india.
    Also stop poking your nose in the affairs of Majority religious issues and stop your hauty comments too.

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  • Donald Roche, Mangalore/Bolar

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear Readers, Anwar Manipady says, to read the institution rules and regulations and admit their child if they agree to those rules. Other wise go to some other school. He has not gone against his Islam by saying it. He is an inteligent and shrewd businessman. He will convert some B J P communal fanatics and make them understand what is Islam community. Now he is helping his community as a chairman of minority commission. according to many comments I understand that some people wants to go against institution rules and make it big issue and creat restlessness. Remember every thing in this world is man made except NATURE. So let us have flexibilty in every issue.

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  • zameer , mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    well said shanawaz ....anwar manippady is a big joker of our community....

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear Mr. shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi We do respect your comments regarding Nuns & etc. But as far as i have known, i have only seen that nuns studying in christian institutions who cover thier head which is run by thier community. Moreover this issue of covering the head is a new thing in mangalore as earlier no one used wear it in schoolds/colleges as we have also passed our school and college in mangalore years back.

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  • Shridhar, , Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Around 25 years back my father was working as a head master in a Govt. school in Muslim majority area. That school had more than 95% Muslim boys & girls students. He used to tell us that he too faced the same problem of head scarf in his classes. To solve it he met the village elder's from the locality & convinced them for not wearing head scarf inside the class room, for which the elder's agreed willingly. The problem here is not just religious but also political. Muslim's think that these issues are used to attack their religion and they rightly become agitated about it. In today's vicious atmosphere even my father would have failed to convince the village elder's.

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    I really agree with your opinion,because you are rightly said that mr.anwer is puppet of the political party.

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  • Gurudath, M'lore/Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Personally I feel we should be more tolerant towards dressing. May be they can disallow a burqa in colleges but head scarf should be ok. But it is in student's interest to concentrate on studies and be like an average student rather than invite unnecessary attention.

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  • Muraham, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head. A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man 9 neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10 For this reason, and because of the angels, the woman ought to have a sign of authority on her head. 1 Cor 11:6-10

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  • Nadz, Kundapur/USA

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    So what does the college prospectus say? Head Scarf no allowed or display of any religious symbol?
    If is say just head scarf then its a problem if it says any religious symbol then we should all be fine.

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  • mubeen, khobar

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr.mannipady, u suggest us to read the college prospectus before admission.... Sir, i suggest u to read the INDIAN CONSTITUTION before u utter ur boss's (BJP) orders.
    This topic is beyond any debate, unless for u to get a political mileage out of it.
    Its absolutely SHAMEFUL and DISGUSTING that these words come frm the so calld minority commission chairman.
    But remember that we muslims have belief in Him, that we dont need a BJP APPOINTD PUPPET to deliver us justice.

    Sir never ever even for a moment feel proud that ur holding an important position in public life, coz behind ur back, people simply critisize u of being worse than a pig!e frm the so calld minority commission chairman.
    But remember that we muslims have belief in Him, that we dont need a BJP APPOINTD PUPPET to deliver us justice.

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Right time and right decision.
    Kaalakke takka cola!!!!

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011


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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Sept 1, 2011
    NEW YORK: Sikhs in the US will be allowed to wear turbans and grow beards in federal agencies like the police department and transit authority after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Wednesday signed into law a bill that will ensure freedom for employees to practice religious beliefs at workplace.

    Nov 19,2010
    The administration at Bedford UK has issued new guidelines to head teachers and governing bodies that baptised (Amritdhari) Sikhs can wear a dagger – or Kirpan – with a blade of up to SIX INCHES. Kirpan is one of the five ”articles” of faith worn by Sikhs who have gone through the Amrit baptism ceremony.

    Oct 16, 2009
    Vancouver: In a major concession to the Sikh community, Canadian authorities have decided to allow baptized Sikhs to carry their ceremonial kirpans into venues at the Winter Olympic Games here in February.

    1969: Sikh busmen win turban fight
    Sikh busmen in Wolverhampton have won the right to wear turbans on duty after a long-running campaign. Conductors and drivers who are practising Sikhs will also be allowed to have long beards - another requirement for strict adherents of their faith.

    But, in INDIA it is Islamophobia and radicals would make sure that their agendas is implemented against Muslims. Let them try the same tactics with Sikhs, I dare if they can.

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  • Aziz , Riyadh / Udupi, Katte

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Congratulation Mr. Anwar, you have won the Rajya sabha Ticket (you cannot won MLA) from BJP, we cannot expect more than this. You are same like anoher puppet called Mumtaz Ali Khan. You sold yourself to RSS. Grow up.

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  • Aziz , Riyadh/Udupi , Katte

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Congratulation Mr. Anwar, you have won the Rajya sabha Ticket (you cannot won MLA) from BJP, we cannot expect more than this. You are same like anoher puppet called Mumtaz Ali Khan. You sold yourself o RSS. Grow up.

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  • Mustafa, ksa

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    What does a scarf scares of ? I fully agree with Shanawaz... I myself got wonder to see criticism from christian community in this box.
    Friends try to understand the feelings of not scare of Islamophobia..Islam is a religion of peace.. Nothing to worry..God bless you all.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Here I can see majority of christian readers are suppporting Anwar Manipady. Its the same people who will criticise him if tomorrow, christian nuns are asked not to cover their head or students are asked not to wear cross lockets....Here this poor man's statement has hurt the feelings of practicing muslims like the church attacks have hurt the feelings of faithful christians. Without understanding the tenets of any religion, its unfair to comment adversly on it just on the basis of ones own understanding. Dear readers, is this head scarf a new introduction to Islam or was it there for centuries????? College or schools rules should not go against the constituion and secular fabric of our nation. Our mothers and grand mothers went to schools with head scarves on, there was no issue and now when our daughters and sisters wear it, why such a big hue and cry???/ Anwar is puppet in the hands of communual forces and here he is talking as a paid respresentative of a communual political party and not as a representative of any religion. Just ignore him and we can find such cheap and sold out rags in every community....I call upon Anwar to refrain from hurting our religious sentiments by making irresponsible statements....

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  • Sajid Anwar, Mangalore,India

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    I totally agree with Mr. Manippady, the rules of the school has to be respected when one gets admission, every one has option to accept or reject.Commendable comment Mr. Anwar Manippady.01

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    George A. B.Angalore /Mangalore..In a moment I am speechless of about your comments as spelling mistake about SIKH religion as I read as you wrote 'sick religion'It might be typing error but the circumstances and meaning could bring you in a bad picture.Therefore make sure after typing to click.......

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  • George A.Borromeo, angelore, Mangalore, India

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr.Anwar Manippadi Chairman of Minority Commission designated by BJP Government has to remember one thing People belonging to Sick Religion (they too are coming under Minority)wear their Religiously designated Dress including Kripan every nook and corner of the World. Hence he should not tow the Ruling Party line like his colleague Mummtaz Khan. Let us call Spade a Spade dear Anwar.

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  • Vincy, Shamboor/Bangkok

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Anwar should take lessons on human rights and woman welfare before giving such statements.There is no such law which is above the human rights when it comes to respect womanhood and a girl child of any community in a country like India.The president of India has the right to cover her head at any place,school,college or temple then in what it makes important to read the prospectus of a institution which can ammend at any time as per will and wish of the people who own such institution.We should respect Hadia's stand and the whole community should support her to continue education with permission to cover her head in school.If all of you think seriously about this then it is nothing but a game by some people to control a small of number of students and play with thier emotions at the same time.

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  • Stany Dsouza, Shirva

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good decision. This must apply to all students. Can an Educational Institution in India has the courage to tell sikh students not to wear turban?

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  • Mohandas, Dubai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Best work by Mr.Anwar Manipady. If people start to control the rules of the institutions, then instituions may not be able to run efficently. Best is that parents read the Manual properly before admiting & admit their students only in institutions which honors their desires.

    Moreover, students goes to education institution to get a good education, & not to demostrate his religous identity, or to quarel with the managment. Stictly Uniform & honouring the rules laid is best answer.

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  • Aziz, Udupi / Riyadh

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    What is the problem Mr. Ayub Dendoor Katte ?

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  • Muhammed Rafique, Kapu/Bengaluru

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr.Manipady. you are not a elected representative of a muslim community or minorities.Dont assume that you represent the religion of Islam
    you are ed by the BJP.
    Your statement might sound politically correct to some ears only.

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  • Syed Mohiddin Saheb, Sastan / Muscat

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    "if the college policy says no to headscarves, then every girl must follow the rule " Instead of commenting harshly on somebody's comments on religion ground, let us think seriously that "WHY THE COLLEGE POLICY SAYS NO TO HEADSCARF ?" Is it disturbing the education ? or disturbing the religion of the College ?. Then where the SIKH GO to learn education ? Covering the head by headscarf or shawl or dupatta by women is their right in all the religions. Respect the women who covers their Body instead of supporting the western style dress, which is not supported by any religion,tradition or culture.
    There should not be any such dirty, injustified policy in the sacred place like Education Centres. Keep away the dirty politics or hatred religion from the Education. The College or so called educated, or patriotic leaders should Concentrate on Education System instead of wasting time on other issues to maintain PEACE and HARMONY .

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  • Yashwanth, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011


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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    If Anwar Manipady not follow diktat of BJP, the next moment he will be not @the helm of affairs of Minority commission.He was Moily's right before joining BJP.There is no surprise element in A.Manipady'a statement.

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  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    One of few dilemnas I have not made up my mind on. So one interesting question to all readers. Should a Sikh boy allowed to wear a turban in our schools?

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Well Said Mr. Anwar Manipady, this concept will maintain discipline in the college premises & it will avoid any communal disputes. If any student don’t like to study in any certain institutions they other options to complete their studies in the respective institutions which are run by their own community or Government run Institutions, which will solve their problem as well as maintain the dignity of their respective religion.

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr. Anwarji you are absolutely right, first of all students must follow the rules and regulations of the college or educational institutions.

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  • Victor Tauro Permude, Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr. Manipady is very objective in his advise.
    It is good to know the rules and then get into that college.

    Till all people embrace their so called religions all will have problems.

    Be spiritual and all your pains will disappear. Spirituality is above religion.

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  • Jawwaad, Ahmed

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    I totally agree with M J Shastri, Mangalore.....

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  • Durgadas Suvarna, MLORE/BLORE

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    It's better to implement common uniform in the colleges, so that no one will have problem with the dress codes.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Private institutions will have their own rules exactly like religions have their own rules. So, if the rules are not suitable to follow, they are free to choose where they get. But one can not get in first and then ask the system to bend their rules to accomodate for the inconvience of others. That is world wide principle civil society's follow, that accomodate basic diversity. This view must be appreciate by and large.

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  • Dil/Hamad, Jubail

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear, Mr manoj, mangalore
    First you must check with any of your friends, who is leaving in Saudi Arabia. Here (Saudi Arabia), will not force to any non-Muslims to follow the ISLAM rules. But in India, being a democracy country, why they are forcing to do.

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  • Arun D, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    mr anwar you are one hundred percent right.

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  • Samaritan, Moodabidri/Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dragging religion into the on-going issue is uncalled for and linking with political parties is not at all justified. Both religion and politics must be kept away from education. Let us practice our religion at our homes rather than at institutional premises. Our Faith must be exhibited by our good deeds.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    All those who pestered the gentleman please prioritize your life - opt for either religion or education. A school is a temple of education - if you don't respect its rules and regulations you don't deserve to be inside it because you nothing but disgrace to it.

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  • Ahmed Ali, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear Minority Commission Chairman Sir,
    Yes, you are right….
    We all parents as well as students have to respect each and every college/school rules and regulations wherever they study. But these regulations should be documented and communicated to the students/parents on day 1 itself. Not in the middle of the term. (What has to be adhered and what not)This must be applicable to all students regardless of cast/creed.
    Your above statement says that you are addressing this to only Muslims… It means all Muslim brothers and sisters have to use Bindiya on their forehead and yellow thread in their wrist which is used by some of our non-muslim brothers and sisters.
    Dear Sir, please before delivering any such statements (for minority level or majority level) please make sure that your statement will not hurt their sentiments.
    And please do not forget that you and we are all living in a biggest democratic country…….. That is our Bharat…………………!!!!!!

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  • Deepak Shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Excellent decision. instead of making all tht dram later.Be in line or find some other institute.

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  • Ganesh, Udupi

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Whatever he said is seems to be correct. Instead of making unwanted issues first go through the school rules & decide whether u want to join or not. The school management never forces somebody to join. Its our requirement. No need to blame this gentlemen who spoken about the fact.

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  • vinay, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good decision.
    Many convents not allowing pupils to wear bindhi, anklets, bands etc. Its good. if you are not following thier rules, dont enrol your child in that school. Its simple. Why we have to create problems?

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  • Ismail, Moodbidri

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Recently, I visited a primary school. In front of that school it was written in a big font, "This is a temple (Dewalaya), bow your head and enter". I have seen women from all relegions (Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jews) praying with head covered. I have never seen statue of Mary without headscarf. Therefore, please do not think that headscarf belongs to Muslims. It is only a symbol of modesty.

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  • RP, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Very good decision by Anwar.he is absulutely right.All are equal, Why do muslims always feel that they should be given special respect and treated above all.

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  • Wilfred Fernandes, Mangalore/UAE

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    What a pity!!! Not a single Muslim reader is supporting Mr. Anwar here. What Mr. Anwar did was a right thing. Keep your other things out and be a disciplined student inside the college campus. If you can't, leave that college. If she cannot be obedient in her college at this tender stage, what she will be in the future? Wherever you go in the world, you will be abiding by the local laws and so it is in this college. OK, for her supporters here, do you guys like to see Katrina wearing Hijab in all films? No right? So please be realistic and support for the right cause, don’t bring the religion into it.

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  • Canute Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    He very much right and bold. Religion is already ruined healthy society. Don't let religion divide children in the school bench. If anyone thinks that your religion is great then show it with your good work. So that other religions respect you and as well as your religion.

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good decision has been made by the commision,applicable to all who join the college and then complaining later.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha Qatar

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr. Anwar Mannpady, before sticking in political party did you read hiddeng agenda of BJP? Read it dear then comment on scarf issue.

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  • Suresh A, udupi

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr Anwar your decission is right.

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  • moiudeen, Puttur/Doha

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Correction not "MINORITIES" he is "MAJORITY" commission chairman.

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  • khaleel, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear mr Anwar M first of all am asking with u y u gave statement on this issue is there any hiding hand behind this wr were u when govt ordered all govt school to teach Bagavath geetha

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  • brijesh, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr. Anwar manippady is exactly correct in his saying. many colleges dont allow students to wear anklets, bindhi, thilak, holy threads etc. we cannot go and fight with them as it is mentioned and clearly stated in the prospectus. anyways educated will always support mr. Anwar manippady statement

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  • thamanna, udpi

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    dear Mr.Anwar uncle pls i no u r in bjp pls remember &think u r a muslim

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    First of all collges should study constitution of India and should try to apply their rules within the fundamental rights given by it.
    Second,All dirty poliics and politicians should be kept away from educational institutions.

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  • Vivian, Dubai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.....There is no rule without breakable....Life & generation keep on changing...

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    For how many crores Anwar you have sold out and for how many rupees you have sold your imaan and you are disgrace to your own community....Paisa boltha hai...Head scarf is not newly introduced dress of muslim females. \Its like sardars wearing turban and christian nuns wearing their long gowns and head gear.... If the head scarf is newly introduced by islamic clerics then one has to look at it at different angle... Its there since the inception of islam and Anwar forgetting islamic history and values are like your forgetting your own fathers, grand fathers and ancestor. Shame on you as your speech is selfish oriented, politically motivated and to appease your communual bosses... Shame and shame...

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011


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  • moshu, ksa

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    No wonder ... He is a BJP puppet. Otherwise BJP will kick him out..

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good decision by minority commission... Dear Abu Samad in a democratic country rules are universal and to be followed by each and everyone..wilson rodrigues

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  • Zulkif, Dubai

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    What is he talking about.I thing he dont know that recently in France two Sikh students where expelled from different schools for wearing turban on their heads.But when matter came to light those schools took back those students.Then why being a democratic country we dont have our right.Why is governemnt approving those prospects.IF instead of Hadiya any student from Sikh community was treated with this case what would be the scenario.

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  • justin, kinnigoli/melbourne

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    NOt alone good Muslim. Just Good Human being is enough.When the issue broke out i have said just follow school rules in schools/colleges.At home and other places wear what do you want or as per your religious following. An war is good man who uses his common sense

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  • Ayub, Udupi/KSA

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Mr.Anwar,you talking like State BJP Agent. Are Read all rules While talking charge of your post.

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Well said Anwar Manipady.

    Mr.abuSaad - If your are advising Anwar Manipady, then first advise yourself.

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  • SHIV, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good decision Mr. Anwar Manipady. Well done.

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  • manoj, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011


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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Kolkata

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Matured statement....if these students are not adhering to college rules then why they should get admitted in that college? simply disturbing college harmony...

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  • shamshuddin Mohammed, Mulki-Mangalore-al khobar

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Dear Mr. Anwer Mani, you must follow the Rules and regulation of Islam why islam women wear a headscaf then only give the Statement with side of supporting BJP and Sangha parivaar. Just Read Quran and Get a Fruitful of Islam Rules.

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  • M J Shastri, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    This buffoon is talking about college rules. This college changed rules midway (2nd year) of her PU term. She should have been allowed to wear for her 2nd year too, since they had allowed her to wear in the first year. Change of rules need to be applied only to newly admitted students.

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  • abuSaad, Mangalore / Dammam / KSA

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    First of all you follow the rule of Islam, be a good muslim, then advice some one else to do so.

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    Wed, Sep 14 2011


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  • Tony Pinto, GOA- MANGLORE

    Wed, Sep 14 2011

    Good Decision or other wise students of differnt communities will come in traditional religious uniforms.....Stop this nonsens forever concentrate in your studies forever students.

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