Mangalore: ISKCON’s ‘Akshaya Patra’ Kitchen Feeds 25,000 Students Each Day

Mangalore: ISKCON’s ‘Akshaya Patra’ Kitchen Feeds 25,000 Students Each Day
Pics: Ramesh Pandith
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (PS/CN)

Mangalore, Jul 7:
Food is cooked for 25,000 students everyday with the help of modern technology in the kitchen. Work starts at 5 am and within four hours, rice and ‘sambar’ are ready for such a huge number of students. Not only this, all the food has to be packed and loaded on a vehicle to supply them to various schools in and around the city.

This is the routine job done by the staff at the ISKCON Akshaya Patra Prathistana located near Urva Market in the city.

ISKCON has undertaken the responsibility of realizing the ‘Akshara Dasoha’ project initiated by the central and state governments. In eight states, the mid day meal is being supplied to students of 8,126 schools. Five lac students from 2,439 schools in five districts of Karnataka are the beneficiaries of this scheme.
The ‘Akshaya Patra’ project was started in Dakshina Kannada district in 2006 and every year the number of schools has increased. Currently 25,200 students of 141 schools are provided with mid-day meals. Of these 2,800 children are from 14 schools in Bantwal taluk and the rest from in and around Mangalore city.
The Kitchen:
Cleanliness is given utmost priority in all processes like preparation, boiling, filling the vessels, and transportation. Half a ton of rice is cleaned in just an hour’s time with the help of a machine while yet another machine chops 300 kg vegetables in an equal amount of time. There is a big cold storage to preserve vegetables. No staff can enter the kitchen without wearing a cap on their head and without covering their mouth. This indicates that everyone is really concerned about providing hygienic food to the school children.
With four large rice cookers, 110 kg of rice can be prepared in just 20 minutes. There are two 1,200 litre capacity cookers to prepare sambar. As per the requirement of schools, rice, sambar, and curd packets, are directly shifted onto vehicles through conveyor belts. There are shelves to place three types of vessels. A locking system ensures that food does not overflow from the vessels.

Many institutions have donated free vehicles for this purpose. Nine vehicles reach the schools in different areas carrying meals at noon covering a maximum distance of 54 km. While returning after distribution, they collect the empty vessels from the previous day and take the orders for the next day. The schools teachers have no tension as they just have to place an order mentioning the quantity of food for the next day. Cleaning of vessels also need not be done.
Speaking to Daijiworld, Nandana Acharyadasa, in-charge of Akshaya Patra, Mangalore unit, said that there are 55 people working as staff for this noble cause. “Food is reached on time. All the drivers have been given mobile phones to make sure that they inform us in case of any problem with the vehicle or a traffic jam. There are demands from many schools. In the present kitchen, food can be prepared for up to 30,000 students. Vehicles move on nine routes carrying meals. ISCKON aspire to provide good education, food, and health,” he said.


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  • Pappu Rana, Assam

    Fri, Nov 29 2013

    Thanks to Iskon Akshaya Patra Team to Co-operate in this Great Job.Bolo Prem se is Team ke Liye Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare....

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  • Rohit Raman Bhat, kashmir/Delhi

    Sat, Jul 09 2011

    very very good job done and specially all sections of people are eagrly to support the noble cause

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  • Ryan, Kuwait

    Fri, Jul 08 2011

    They have provided the shoes, but they dont want to use i guess. see in the 7th picture, the shoes are lying in the corner of the kitchen..!!!

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Fri, Jul 08 2011

    Good work by ISKCON’s ‘Akshaya Patra’.

    Well known Hospitals and Hotels around the world, the Kitchen & catering department staff is regularly given training of cleanliness, hygienic ,improvement of existing method & quality, TQM ( total quality management) which will improve the quality of the staff. Hope this will be implemented with good sense.

    Also along with rice, sometimes dal & pulses for a change will be better as this contain proteins and vitamins.

    Once again congratulations to the ISKCON’s ‘Akshaya Patra’ team and all the donors. With this type of positive contribution, we can change our society.

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  • Vipul, Someshwar, Sydney

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Good job!! But I wish that the workers had covered their mouths while in the kitchen as they were supposed to.

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  • Shaleen, Mangalore/ Dubai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune

    Don you think you are hurting Hindu's sentiments, wat is the necessary of such comments..?!! You are spoiling this forum with u r communal thinking...

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    Thu, Jul 07 2011


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  • Alfred Vincent Monis, Bantakal/Kingdom of Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Very good job (charity) by ISKON. Hats off to them and also for the commentators today. Nice to see some good and constructive comments withour any religious bias from the learned daiji world readers.Keep it up.

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  • John S, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hats off iskon...any noble cause like this must be appreciated irrilavant which religion does it. We are all Indians before any perticular community or religion.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa / Mumbai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    After a long time I have heard good news about Karnataka.
    Keep up the good work ISKON.

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  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    I appreciate this noble cause and pray God to bless them in abundance.

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  • A. S. Marthew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Something very inspiring to read.
    We must give the greatest priority
    to feed the hungry, especially
    the hungry children and old people.
    If we focus on those things with a
    sincere heart, we can do greater
    things to alleviate one of the
    biggest problem we face today.
    Hearty congratulations, all the best wishes and prayers to have
    such programmes all across India
    in the nearest future.

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  • dhananjay pandit, mumbai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    i want to do service in ur programm please !!!!give me opportunity!!!!!

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Thanks Mr. Kiran for your expert clarification. Despite of handling religious Institutions by Govt. Crores and Crores of rupes hidden in these places is being unearthed recently. With regard to Instituions uncontrolled by Govt. though a small percentage of charity goes to others, the selfless service rendered by members of these Institutions are recommended by many well known, resepectable individuals. Only a few, who think like a frog thinking in a well always fail to recognise their efforts, despite utilizing their service in various fields like medical & education fields. Have a nice day Kiran.

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  • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavara / Bangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Good Work from ISCON. What about extending it to Udupi District ?

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  • Tony, Mangalore/Sydney

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Massive meals project like this is not an easy thing to run. But ISKONs venture looks professional and well run, and they need every support and encouragement. Good job ISKON and keep going. No doubt, it is a great boon to the thousands of school students as it was quite common earlier for the students to skip lunch, especially from the rural areas, the reason being the students had to leave early for school, and their parents were not in a position to provide them with the lunch box, or the lunch money for that matter. By the way, mere rice and a vegetable dish or a sambhar or a lentil (dhal) curry is quite nutricious and quite sufficient to quench your hunger. After all, the child can always eat the non-vegetarian meal in the evening/night at home, if they desire to do so.

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  • Veena, Mogarnad

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Really you done the good job ISKCON. keep it up................

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Maravanthe/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hats of to you all, keep up the good & noble work. May God Bless you all & Authorities who have initiated this noble gesture.

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  • kiran, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Peter Pereira, Pune..relegious institution mentiend by you are always controlled by govt..and all money or donatin to tohse relegious places are directly utilised by govt for uplifting poor, and minority uplifitng etc etc..
    but various relegious institution which are not controlled by govt are involved in trust wise charity ..htere will no real accout and one few % will go to society and most funds utilised for other relegious activities.

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  • VNayak, Mangalore/Switzerland

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Great job by ISKON. Akshaya Patra is now all over India run by various organizations including NGO's like ISKON in Mangalore. They feed 1.3 million children a day. For most of these children this is the only proper meal of the day the reason why they are motivated to go to school.

    You can see one of these mammoth kitchens in this video:

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hats off Iskon. This is called serving the society. If all religious Institutions involve in this type of service instead of stocking wealth to rot, there will be no poverty in India. Iskon has large number of western members who will certainly guide this organisation to run smoothly.

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  • Shiva Shetty, Abudhabi

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hatts of ... real good work for the society, hv become a fan of ISKON from nw onwards. God bless everyone who is engaged in this operation.

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  • Mushtaq ZamZam Bhatkal, Bhatkal

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hai Nagesh Nayak, bangalore Thursday, July 07, 2011

    Really First time in the life you have given GOOD COMMENTS , any How give always same comments so we can appriciate your feelings as well as you huminity. thankyou Jai hou Karnata, Jai Hou ISKCON Team. Keep it up, but you have to follow all relues and regulation .

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  • Babanna, Jeppu, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Iqbal, Mangalore Thursday, July 07, 2011

    I think they serve only vegetarian food and not even eggs.For the health of children, all such nutritious foods are essential.Hope they will consider it in future.

    "Mr. Iqbal who said vegetarian food is not nutritious? vegetarian food is more nutritious and fast digestive and healthy too. You know elephant?...for your information elephant is vegetarian

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  • Madhav H, Mumbai - Dubai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Sri Prabhupada ISCON movement prescribed four regulative principles, in relation to the four legs of dharma,as the basis of the spiritual life:
    No eating of meat, fish or eggs (lacto-vegetarianism)
    No illicit sex
    No gambling
    No intoxication (including alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and other recreational drugs).
    The four legs of Dharma are:[21]
    Daya: Mercy
    Tapas: Self-Control or Austerity
    Satyam: Truthfulness
    Śaucam: Cleanliness of body and mind

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  • Vivian, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    If ur eyes are sweet u would like all the people of the world..but if ur heart is sweet the whole world likes you...(Specially 4 Nagesh Nayak -Blore)....Always support for the good deeds...not for dirty politics....

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    hi,Iqbal, Mangalore,




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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011






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  • D'Souza I, Bahrain

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Nice to hear about this noble cause. May God bless bless all the people involved in the task. Indeed it is not easy. Needs lot of good will and wisdom. Both are present in this project. May God bless all and our dear children of South Canara. Comments of Mr.ISMAIL K PERINJE, PERINJE/YANBU-KSA are of noteworthy.

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  • Iqbal, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    I think they serve only vegetarian food and not even eggs.For the health of children, all such nutritious foods are essential.Hope they will consider it in future.

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  • Vivian, Dubai

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Hats up to Nandana Acharyadasa & their Team.......& also thanks to St Aloysius Institution for provided me mid-day meal,when i was in my College & School days.....

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  • Satish, Kundapur

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Great Job done by ISKON.we have to appreciate this type of work.

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  • RP, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Good work by ISKON staff..keep it up!!

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  • Anurag, Belman

    Thu, Jul 07 2011

    Real Noble Deed.

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  • sudhi, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 07 2011


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    Wed, Jul 06 2011

    Iscon's Akshaya Patra project is very very great task that should be appreciated by every one.

    Six tips for FOOD handlers are...
    Wear always protective cap while handling food.
    Wear disposable gloves and disposable mouth covers while handling food.
    Take a morning shower before report to the duty
    Report sickness immediately to the supervisor
    Trim finger nails and hair always.
    Wash the hands with soap after using restroom.

    Important Note...Only one among eight people washes their hands after using toilet

    When one sneezes, the germs from sneeze can travel @ almost 80 miles per hour across the room.

    Microbes can grow to become more than eight million in just 24 hrs.

    Five important food safety techs
    Thoroughly wash hands before handling food
    keep raw food and cooked food separate from each other
    Store food @ safe temp
    Cook thoroughly and Use safe water and materials.

    This mammoth food operation is really very difficult and risky task and need a constant supervising to finish day to days operation.ALL the best ISCON.

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  • Max & Jessie Rasquinha, Mangalore, Houston/Dallas

    Wed, Jul 06 2011

    Highly impressive project that deserves every support from every corner of the conscientious world. We have had the opportunity to share their vision and their efforts during a recent Seminar held in Houston, and the Fund raising effort was highly successful.

    Noble dedication such as Akshaya Patra is an eye opener to all those that watch India from a distance. Akshaya Patra will continue to receive all out support from within India and also outside India.

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  • Rahul, Manglore - Mumbai

    Wed, Jul 06 2011

    International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement around WORLD Good work feed the needy....
    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
    Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
    Hare Rama Hare Rama
    Rama Rama Hare Hare...............Good Work by ISCON Prabhupada MOVEMENT.

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  • Kodial, Mangalore

    Wed, Jul 06 2011

    Very interesting and wonderful job. Request to take care of safety of the people who workd for this cause. In the picture we could see boys are working with barefoot. The place will be steaming hot and very streneous job.It will better to have uniforms with proper shoes, cloves head cover etc. Good luck

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  • Vasant Raj, Udupi / Abudhabi.

    Wed, Jul 06 2011

    What a superb arrangements made by ISKON. Hats up to you people. Request you to spread other parts of Karnataka, to that poor students will get benefited.

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