Credit Cards are financial tools that help you overcome a financial crisis by offering interest-free funds for a specific period. They have become quite popular over time due to the convenience they provide. You can pay your bills, shop, book movie tickets, flight tickets, and more.
However, there are many disadvantages to a shopping credit card. It can lead to massive debt if you do not use them responsibly. Today we talk about the things you should know before getting a shopping credit card to help you make an informed choice about the best credit card in India.
What is a Shopping Credit Card?
A shopping credit card is a type of credit card used to finance purchases at retail stores. Shopping credit cards typically offer rewards or discounts on purchases made with the card, making them a popular choice for consumers looking to save money on their shopping.
Some shopping credit cards also offer special financing options, which can be helpful for consumers who are looking to make large purchases.
What Should You Know Before Getting a Shopping Credit Card?
Whenever you opt for a specific category card, there are some things you must keep in mind. Listed below are some features you should know before getting a shopping credit card:
Rewards and Benefits
While choosing your credit card, you must look at the rewards and benefits of the card. With your shopping credit card, you will get higher reward points, discounts on shopping bills, excellent cashback deals, and many more.
These credit cards also offer other benefits, including e-vouchers, the form of discount coupons that get credited to your account when you spend a specified amount of money using your credit card within the stipulated period of the card issuance date. So, these are some benefits you should consider while choosing a credit card.
Choose a Card That Fits Your Spending Pattern and Income
Before seeking the best credit card in India, you should analyse your spending pattern and choose a credit card accordingly.
If you are a person who loves spending a lot on shopping, be it online or offline, choose a card that gives you the benefits of the activity. If you are more inclined towards online shopping, you can opt for a credit card that gives you the benefits of online shopping.
On the other hand, if you are more inclined towards offline purchases, choose a credit card that gives you the benefits of offline shopping. You should also check your credit and allocate the budget for your expenses to control them.
First, evaluate your income. You should analyse your monthly or annual income. Then, design your budget according to your income. Make sure not to overspend or cross your budget. This way, you can manage your expenses and credit card transactions.
Fees and Charges
When considering a shopping credit card, it is important to consider its various charges. You should pay the joining fees and the annual fees of the card. Some cards come with annual fees, while others have transaction fees.
The card issuer also charges an interest portion if you fail to pay the stipulated bill by a specific time. To know the charges attached to your online credit card, you must read the terms and conditions of the card thoroughly. Consider all the charges associated with your selected card and determine whether it suits you. Your goal should be to gain maximum benefit from your credit card transactions.
So, it is important to compare the charges of different cards to find the one that best suits your needs. This will help you ensure you do not pay unnecessary charges or fees on your credit card usage.
Consider Your Credit Score
A credit score is a reflection of your transaction patterns. It determines how efficiently you handle the payment of your loans or credit cards. The credit score analyses the risk factors associated with the cardholder, in this case, you. A good credit score makes you eligible for any loan or mortgage without hassles.
So, it is important to maintain your credit score. Most lending institutions and credit card providers prefer the ideal credit score of 750. If your score is lower than 750, then you may find it harder to borrow loans. You should thoroughly know about credit scores and their importance before getting a shopping credit card to make suitable financial decisions and have a good credit score.
Before applying for a shopping credit card, you should be aware of the factors mentioned in this article. There are many different shopping credit cards, each with its benefits. So, you should look into the features carefully to select a credit card that caters to your needs and requirements.
You can also apply for a credit card free of cost without any annual charges. Knowing the features you should look for in a credit card will make it easier to make a well-informed decision.