Month’s Mind



Joseph S Pereira

Lower Bendoor, Mangalore


Born         : 29.06.1935

Married    : 06.06.1966

Died        : 27.05.2012



Quickly and unexpectedly came the call

Your sudden death shocked us all

Only those who have loved can tell

The loss of a dear one without a farewell


A voice we loved is stilled,

A place is vacant in our home,

Which never can be filled,


A loving husband with kindly deeds

A loving Pappa true and kind

A helping hand to those in need

A confident personality indeed

You left us your absence we feel

Everywhere and every moment indeed

We miss your love, your thoughtful way

With you we spent our happiest days,

Deep in our hearts you will always stay

We know you watch us from heaven

Some day we will be together again

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord,

And let perpetual light shine upon him,

May his soul rest in eternal peace. Amen.



A Tribute of Love From:

Ever-loving  Wife : Marceline Pereira

Children : Ashok/Diana ,Oswald/Clara ,Cynthia/Anil, Olinda/Rudy & Leslie

Grandchildren : Shaun, Rahul, Shefali, Kim, Sim & Noela