Birthday Remembrance

 Percival John Joseph Fernandes

Born: 27 March 1948
Married: 23 January 1974
Passed away: 27 May 2011

Our Dearest Daddy,
We never imagined this day would come so soon where we would have to capture our relationship and put it into a little paragraph. The challenges never end. How do we describe all of the inherent and magnificent characteristics you embodied?
Daddy, when we think of you, four things stand out the most: a flawless sense of humour, a fierce intelligence, quick wit and an undeniable, unconditional love. Your sense of giving knew no bounds. You gave till it hurt, and then gave a little more. Writing about you fills us with pride, knowing that you are our Daddy.  We can only strive to be like you, and would be so lucky if we could have just a few of your very many awe-inspiring qualities.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing  because,  looking back and replaying in our minds all of the squabbles we had, all the lessons you taught us, all of those times we felt cross or were in tears,  those are the very same lessons we live and practice every day, emulating how you lived dear Daddy. You were never afraid to say sorry, because we mattered to you and we know that you knew how much you mattered to us. Mummy and us love you and miss you so much. You bid farewell, but you have left an indelible imprint of yourself on each one of us. The laughter and happiness you brought to life is something we hold on to. It has enriched our lives and through it you live on in our hearts and minds.
Every time you were happy - You shared it.
Every time you struggled - You accepted it, thanked God for it, and bravely faced it.
Every time you smiled - It was contagious and would lift everyone’s mood.
Today is your birthday and there is no better day on which to celebrate your life dear Daddy. This year and from now on you will celebrate it with Jesus. We have to be selfless and say that Heaven rejoices today to mark the achievements of a man who was true to God, true to his family, true to people around him but most importantly true to himself.

Happy birthday to you our dearest Daddy (Percy). We love you and share in your happiness in heaven on your 64thbirthday.

With all of our love,

Mummy (Hilda), Karen / Arun, Lisa / Melbert, Meagan / Rodney, Nina, Mark, Lara, Ben and Laura  and your brothers and sisters Clarence / Lorna, Maisie / Zach, Allan / Moira, Esme / Carl and Olive / Alan