Tribute of Love

Dr. Agnes W. D'Souza (Lilly)

Dearest Mummy,
No words we write, can ever say,
How we miss you every day,
As time goes by, the loneliness grows,
How we miss you, nobody knows,
We think of you in silence, we often speak your name,
But all we have are memories and photos in our frame.

No one knows our sorrow, No one sees us weep,
But the love we have for you, is in our heart to keep.
Heartaches in this world are many, but ours is worse than any,
Our heart still aches as we whisper low,
"We need you Mum and miss you so".
We've never stopped loving you,
We're sure we never will.
Deep inside our heart, you are with us still.
A light from our house is gone
A voice that we loved is stilled.
A place is vacant in our home,
which can never be filled.
We hold you dear Mummy close within our hearts
And there you shall remain
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again.
So, rest in peace darling Mum
and million thanks for all you've done.

 Loving tribute from :

Husband - Marchel D'Souza

Sons : Richard / Mary & Childrens
Mario / Yashu - Diya
Ronald / Precilla - Reena


Mariza Shallet / Naveen - Navil & Niola
Maria / Ruban - Joshua