2nd Death Anniversary
"Darkness isn't the absence of light... it's the absence of you!"

John Henry Noronha


Born:  February 2, 1965
Called to the Lord:  March 2, 2009

Fondly remembered:
Son of Late Alphonso Noronha & Bridget Noronha
Brother of Celine (Kuwait/Belman/Mumbai) and Jessy (Mumbai)
Uncle of Nelson and Newton (Kuwait), Roselyn and Zinia (Mumbai).

 A Mass will be offered for the soul of our beloved John Henry Noronha
 at the Holy Family Cathedral, Kuwait City
on Wednesday, 2nd March 2011 at 6.30pm.

Relatives and Friends kindly accept this as the only intimation.

 "To be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."
-Corinthians 5:8 


Day by day we think of you,
How can all of this be true?
We still can't believe you're gone,
We still can't accept it,
Even after so long.
Just the thought of you makes us cry,
We never really got the chance to say goodbye.
So many things we never got to say,
We never imagined you'd ever be so far away.
We treasure the times we spent together
and they are locked inside our heart,
For as long as we have those memories
we will never be apart,
Even though we cannot speak no more
Our voice is always there,
Because every night before we sleep
We have you in our prayer.

- Celine Nathalia Noronha