First Death Anniversary
It's been a year since you are gone dear Pat,
My heart is still heavy, unwilling to accept the truth
Not even a last word to bid good-bye, not even a doubt that you will die
The wound in my heart is so deep, when God put you to eternal sleep
Today I feel I am all alone, to fight life's battle on my own
My laughter has become weak and hollow, and my existence seems so shallow.
The light of our home has refused to shine, hoping that you shall return in a matter of time
Nothing seems to be good without your presence, Life has come to a standstill in your absence
Tell me what went wrong that you should leave, making your loved ones forever to grieve
The vacuum created in our hearts can never be filled, your parting has left our hearts chilled.
Words seem inadequate to express the depth of sadness we feel
with the thought of losing the one we loved and time seems to stand still
What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness,
a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch
we may not understand why you left us so abruptly and so early
or why you left before giving us a chance to say good-bye
but little by little we begin to remember not just that you died
but you lived a happy life and that your life gave all of us memories too beautiful to forget.
God saw you getting tired and so He put his arms
around you and whispered “come to me”.
A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands were laid to rest.
Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.
Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow. With tearful eyes we bid you good-bye.
May you enjoy eternal peace and serenity with all the angels and saints in heaven
But do pray for us all that we may one day meet face to face never to depart again.
Whenever I ask the Lord why has He taken you away from me.
He instantly replies “I always take the best”.
I know you are in the Lord's bossom, enjoying eternal happiness.
God broke our hearts to prove to us that indeed
May the Almighty grant your departed soul “ETERNAL REST”
Composed by your beloved wife Veronica
on behalf of our beloved son Brian and
the entire family in remembrance of your
1st death anniversary on 28th November 2010