In Fond and Cherished memory of

Denis Pinto
H/o Milly Pinto

Born : March 25, 1945
Died : September 29, 2005

A loving heart stopped beating
Hardworking hands at rest
God Broke our hearts to prove,
That be only takes the best.
God saw you were getting tired
And a cure was not to be,
So He put His arms around you,
And whispered “come to me”.
We did not see you close your eyes,
We could not hear your final goodbye,
All we heard was you were gone,
Your memories will last in our hearts for ever long.
You went through many trials in your life,
But overcame all your problems with a gentle smile,
Shelter Him Lord, in your Holy land,
As we surrender him into your loving hand.
We still miss you and remember you Everyday in our hearts and love you.
May your soul Rest in Peace.

A tribute of love form 

Wife & Children