We desired to spend more time with you

But we got those precious moments only a few

We tried to make the most of what was left

Plans diverted through too many hurdles

Never made it to the desire of our hearts….

If our love could change the way things are

You would live today and would not from us go far

Deep in your heart you knew that we were always there

That we always loved you so much and always cared

But our love could not change the way things are

We could neither stop your pain nor mend your scars

We only believed that our true love could let you know

That we never gave up nor just things ever let go….

We shared a special bond in good & bad times, dear brother

That grew stronger till the end through all these years

Looking back on the sweet recollections, we now realize

The happiest memories are of times we’ve together shared….

Our hearts weep in sadness and secret tears ceaselessly flow

What it meant to lose you, no one can ever know….

God saw you getting tired, when a cure was not to be

He wrapped his arms around you and whispered “come to me„

If tears could build a stairway and thoughts a memory lane

We would walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again!