Month’s Mind
Theresa Senorina D’Souza
 W/o the late George D’Souza of Palimar
Born: 29.05.1934
Married: 20.05.1950
Died: 26.04.2010
We deeply appreciate and
Acknowledge with gratitude your
Affectionate messages of sympathy,
Assurance of prayers,
Mass offering, floral tributes,
Presence in our midst and
All your kind assistance to us
In so many different ways.
You were the pillar of strength
With a gentle heart.
Selfless and giving.
Lived a life of simple ways.
Strong in faith and God loving.
A light from our household is gone
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home
Which can never be filled.
We hold you close within our hearts
And there you shall remain
To walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet again.
So, rest in peace dear loved Mamma
And thanks for all you’ve done
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord
Let perceptual light shine upon her,
And may her soul rest in peace.
A tribute of love from:
Arthur, Luke, Collin, Freeda, Darwin, Jane and Sorrowing family members.