Happy 80th Birthday to Philip Neri Rodrigues

Tribute of Love with fond remembrance:

Born : 25th April, 1940
Left for heavenly
abode : 3rd March, 2011

Dear Philip,

Here is your first grand daughterAanya
wishing you:
Dearest Abba, you are not really gone
For your memory lives on
In all of us who loved you
Never to be forgotten.
With love: Aanya, Abba, You are always in my

As we remember you on your 80th Birthday
We miss you and think of you
Wish you were here for the celebration
To light 80 candles and thinking how you
would blow all those in one breadth.

We miss you immensely and console ourselves
that you are in heaven
Singing praises to God Almighty
Along with Angels and Saints
Glorifying His Holy name.

We would have smiled, laughedand celebrated
in Physical
But you are celebrating it in Heaven
Where there is only joy and happiness
With rejoicing in the Lord.

At this time of corona virus
We would have been together locked down
But you don’t face any virus or sickness
Anxiety or insecurity
With Lord Jesus in your midst

We still think of this milestone in our lives
With nine years passed by
Feels like it is way toomany years
With you physically missing in our lives

We miss you which words can’t express
We know you are looking at us with joy
Which we fail to connect with humanity
But with God it is His Divinity

We are thankful to you for contributing so
greatly for our happiness and success
Which you did going far out for us
Each and every cell of my body gratifies you
With no words to speak

Remembering and thinking of you each and
every day of my life
With lots of love and gratitude
We love you, we miss you, you are always in
our hearts

Jessie Rodrigues, children and grandchildren