Philip Neri Rodrigues 

Born: 25th April, 1940
Left for heavenly abode: 3rd March, 2011


My dearest Darling Philip,

It is eight years since you left for heavenly abode
Can’t imagine, I am going on with the grace of God
Thinking of you everyday thanking God
That He mad us to grow in His love.
I thought of you with love today
That’s how I begin my day
I thought of you yesterday
And days before too.
I think of you in silence
And call your name
All I have are sweet memories
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake
Which I will never part
God has you in His fold
I have you in my heart.
With such a deep silence
That took over your soul
When you died, I felt so very lonely
It was much more than that, words can’t express.
Day in and day out, thinking of you my Darling Philip,
I thank God for blessing us with such loving sons,
daughters in law & grandchildren

Remembering you always with fond memories


Your dear wife Jessie,
Nishanth/Mary, Nischal/Emily, Nestor/Kavitha
Grandchildren: Aanya, Fiona and Celestina Rodrigues