Norbert Lasrado

Born : 02-03-1944

Died : 28-10-2003 

15 years have passed without you
But nothing is the same,
We have to hide our heartaches
When someone speaks your name

Your face is ever before us
Your voice we cannot forget
Your encouraging smile will linger forever
In memory we see it yet

Sad are the hearts that love you
Silent are the tears that fall
Living our life without you
Is the hardest part of all

A smile for all, a heart of gold
The very best this world could hold
Ever selfless sincere and kind
These are the memories you left behind

You did so many things for us
Your heart was kind and true
And when we needed someone
We would always count on you

Close in our hearts you will always stay
Loved and remembered everyday
A devoted son, loving spouse
Doting father, true friend
You did your best for all to the very end

Gone is the face we loved so dear
Silent is the voice we long to hear
Happy and smiling always content
Loved and respected where ever you went

We thank you for those precious years
You shared our sorrows, joys and fears
God’s gift you were to guide and cheer
Your trust in God we all hold dear

The special years will not return
When we are all together
But with the love within our hearts
You will walk with us forever

Our heartfelt thanks for all your love and care
Our loss is great, we will not complain
For in heaven we will meet again
We love you, miss you and we pray
That we’ll be together again someday



Tribute of Love from dear & near ones