Fr Lawrence Lobo SJ

He lives with us in Spirit

He loved everyone as his own, till the end

A life spanning over 79 years: full of humility,
Simplicity, magnanimity, compassion, through
Comforting the afflicted, consoling the lonely,
Standing by the poor and sick & marginalized, &
as a good shepherd to thousands of people in Gujarat,
which was his Promised Land mission on earth.

His life’s trademark: Dying to self, thereby: he became a humble servant of Jesus,
who exalted him because he humbled himself while on earth.

We admired his ability to live a life of Faith and Trust in the Supreme above,
life of abundance of Love, Forgiveness, and Compassion.

He continues to be with us, as his smile envelops us.

Offered By:   All members of Jesuit Community, Religious institutions, social welfare institutions, Education institutions, all parishioners across Gujarat state where he lived and worked, along with his own family members, well wishes and friends