In fond Remembrance on your 6th Anniversary

Philip Neri Rodrigues

Born: 25th April, 1940
Passed on to glory: 3rd March, 2011

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” 1 John 4:16


Days, months, and years passed
But the memory of our being together never passed.
For the 6th time, I wish I could put into words the thoughts burning in my mind
At times words don’t come out as if they are choked.
The saying ‘time is the healer’ doesn’t seem to work
As years passed at times without wink.
You were the centre for all who were around you
And not even a day passed by, without thinking of you.
You were unique and special
With a blend of varied experiences
Which you could share to all with love.
The poems and the prose you wrote
The deep reflections of your heart
All that goes into making you
The one of a kind person you were.

We miss you which the words cannot express
With a lot of love in our hearts
For ever and ever.


Remembering you dear Philip with fond memories:

Your sorrowing wife: Jessie Rodrigues

Children: Nishanth / MaryThuy / Celestina
Nischal / Emily / Fiona
Nestor / Kavitha / Aanya