7th Death Anniversary 
‘Tribute of Love’to our beloved 

Patrick Rego 

who left for his heavenly abode on 28.11.2009

Memories of your earthly life is still fresh in our minds
Though 7 years have passed since you left us behind

Simple, loving,  generous, kind, gentle and naïve 
These were the qualities that you were popular in life

Though the void of  your absence will always be there
You are constantly remembered and prayed each day , my dear

You are now rejoicing with the Angels and Saints in Heaven
Together with Jesus, Mary and Joseph for which you are taken

Do pray for us -  your earthly loved ones
That one day, we too may join you when the appropriate time comes

Eternal rest grant unto the departed soul of Patrick Rego  O Lord 
Let perpetual light shine upon him.  May his soul “Rest in Peace’ Amen.

Fondly remembered and missed by
your loving wife Veronica, 
adorable son Brian and the entire D'Souza & Rego family