Fond Remembrance

Wilma Delora D'Souza

Date of Birth: 31st Jan 1962 
Date of Death : 2nd June 2015

Quickly and suddenly came the call 
Your sudden death shocked us all 
Only those who have lost can tel 
The loss of beloved one without farewell

A heart that touched so many lives 
The model of faith before our eyes
Wisdom, Courage , Spirit true
For our example, we think of you 

For each of us you did your best.
God grant you now Eternal Rest 

Please note :

 An Eucharistic 
celebration for the repose of her soul is arranged
on Thursday June 
2, 2016 at 11:30am
at St. Rita's 
Church Cascia, Mangalore

A loving Tribute from 

Husband Children and Family