Fond Remembrance

Percival John Joseph Fernandes

5 years have passed yet it seems like only yesterday
We heard your voice and laughter fill the tranquil air
Thoughts of you flood our hearts with joy,
Moments we have cherished, keeps our spirits on a high.
You gave us so much love and brought us all so close, 
Never recall a time, you ignored or closed doors
We miss you lots but know all well,
Where you are now, eternal love dwells.
We pray with fervent heart, that you rest in your heavenly peace,
Tis only moments of this life we have,
Till our time on earth will cease.
We miss you daddy, it's hard to deny, 
And love you as much as when we bid goodbye.

With all of our love,

Hilda, Karen / Arun, Lisa / Melbert, Meagan / Rodney, 
Nina / Gordon, Mark, Lara, Ben and Laura 
and your brothers and sisters Clarence, 
Maisie, Allan, Esme and Olive