In fond Remembrance
on your 5th Anniversary


Philip Neri Rodrigues

Born: 25th April, 1940   
Passed on to glory: 3rd March, 2011

The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; 
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21

How hard it is to go through life without the loved one
It is days, months & years
But time doesn’t seem to pass
It is 5 years, but seems like 50 years
Only God can help in this situation so grievous.

I thank God for the family I am gifted with
My sons, daughters-in-law & grand children
They are such a strength & source of inspiration
In these difficult moments of desperation.

It is still too hard to digest
But I still walk, still talk & carry on
That a loving husband & a great father figure Is no more
but when I look back, I thank God for His blessings for sure.

I still roll my silent tears
Especially when I’m in loneliness
Living in the fond memories
Of our 40 years of togetherness.

My heart melts when my grandchildren say
“We miss Aba” especially when 
We have the family celebration 
Of birthdays & wedding anniversaries.

I think of you every moment my dear Philip
May it be day or night
Thunder, lightning or rain
Your memory with us always reign.

We know you are at peace
With our dear Lord & His Grace
Mercy, love & kindness
We plead with solace.

Remembering you dear Philip with fond memories

Your sorrowing wife: Jessie Rodrigues
Children: Nishanth / MaryThuy / Celestina
Nischal / Emily / Fiona, 
Nestor / Kavitha / Aanya