Tribute of love
To one of the most beloved persons we loved
Now gone to rest in Jesus' embrace.

Sabina Lobo
(Retd. Teacher, Aged 88)
Passed away on 24.06.2015
Ganjimutt, Ferar.

When the evening twilight was fading; The angels descended into our garden
Wrapped their arms around; And picked up a beautiful Rose to Heaven.

Our beloved Sobin-Aunty,

You at all times loved the gift of life; And found your way out of the depths...
You have run and leaped with the rain; And have taken the storms to your breast.
You have known the peace of heaven; And the comfort of work done well.
You have risen brave and triumphant, Out of tribulations and trials.
You gave a share of your soul to the world; When and where your course was run.
You knew that no flower, nor flint was in vain; On the path you have trodden.
As one looks on a face through a window, Through life you have looked on God.
You lived single and life sacrificed, To bring us up all through the years hard.
We recall countless good times and memories, And cherish the feelings of love we shared
In the time of happiness and grief, And in the time of need for care.
All the memories of love you created, Filled with your goodness and charm
That take us all back to good old days, Ferar valley and your "Sweet-Home!"
Although you are not with us today, Yet you are not really gone away.
Those who bloom in the hearts of others, will never fade away.
 Dear Aunty, You have toiled enough, endured enough
And now peacefully rest on Jesus' lap.
A tribute of love from:

Sharel, Evelyln Michael Machado (Nephew), Eppelheim, Germany

Amy Jerry Mathias (Nephew) & Family, Eppelheim, Germany