Birthday Remembrance

Percival John Joseph Fernandes

A tribute to our dear Dad, Percival John Joseph Fernandes, on his 67th Birthday.

 ‘When the twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing
When the twilight is gone you come into our hearts
And here in our hearts you will stay while we pray………

Dad, although you left us to be one with the Lord, your presence is still so strongly felt in our hearts. Your greatest inspiration to us, your enduring LOVE, will always be a guiding force in our lives.
Today on you birthday as we remember you, we celebrate your life and the special moments you shared with each of us.

Your ever helpful nature, your gentle smile, your kind loving ways…

Your insistence to take us anywhere we needed to go, the Site seeing trips, The Sunday lunches…
The singing sessions, the cricket and football matches, the dining table discussions …...
Dad, you have had a big part in forming the people we are today and we are proud to say in many ways, we take after our dad and thankful to God for you.

Today as we still do the things which were close to your heart we keep your spirit alive within us.

…….Our Prayer and our love for you
May they still be the same for as long as we live
That you'll always be there at the end of our prayer.

Happy birthday to you dearest Dad 

We love you and share in your happiness in heaven on your 67th birthday.

With all of our love

Your ever loving wife: Matilda

Children: Karen/Arun, Lisa/Melbert, Meagan/Rodney,
Nina/Gordon and Mark

Grandchildren: Lara, Ben and Laura