In Loving Memory of

Vincent Rozario (Rony) D'Souza

Born : 12-03-1962 
Married : 24-06-1989 
Died : 18-01-2014 

Those we love remain with us, for love itself lives on. 
Cherished memories never fade, because a loved one is gone. 
Those we love can never be, more than a thought apart. 
For as long as there is a memory, they'll live on in our heart. 
You passed away like a dream keeping us in sorrowful stream 
We miss your smile your cheerful ways with you we spent our happiest days. 
Quick and sudden was the call 
Only those who have suffered can tell the loss of a dear one without a farewell 
Loved in life and treasured in death 
A lovely memory is all you left 
While on earth you did your best 
God grant your soul eternal rest 
Your plan O Lord, we cannot see 
But all is well that's done by thee 
While we grieve having lost our dear one we pray thee Lord, 
Thy will be done. 

A tribute of love and gratitude from: 

Wife & Family Members