First Year Death Anniversary

Carmine Mathias, Shankerpura/Pernal

Born : 08.03.1928

Died : 02.12. 2013

wife of late Nicholas Mathias

A humble heart stopped beating

   Hard working hands at rest

God broke our hearts to prove

  That HE only takes the best.

 O How much we loved you

 Our hearts cannot express

     But God loves you more

        Add thought it best

To take you to your heavenly rest.

  A Tribute of love from

Children: Felix / Jacintha, Evelyn/Nelson, Valerian/ Precilla

Grand Children: Flinton, Flavia,  Vian, Vinisha

Mass On 19th December 2014, At : Our Lady of Fathima Church, Pernal, at 11.30. A.M,  followed by lunch at church hall, Pernal

Contact: 91 820 – 2589356,   91 9591189036