Fond Remembrance
on First Death Anniversary of our beloved

Prashanth Pinto


Born : 28-03-1974

Married: 20-08-2003

Died : 17-11-2012


Unprepared we were that day,
To bear the sorrow it would bring.
The call was sudden, the shock severe,
To part with one we loved so dear.
So quickly came your end,
Our last goodbyes left unsaid.
God sure chose the very best,
To grace His garden of Rest.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
But you didn't go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord
And let perpetual light shine upon him
May his soul rest in peace, Amen!
We  love you Prashanth and will always do.....


Loved and Remembered Everyday,
By Sorrowful Parents, Wife, Son, Brothers, Sisters & family members