A Tribute of Love to

Philip Neri Rodrigues

2nd year of Philip’s last journey


Born:  25th April, 1940
Married:  4th January, 1971
Left for Heavenly abode:  3rd March, 2011



When I am sad and lonely and don’t know what to do
I just think of the good times we had together with our three lovely sons
And the sweet memories keep me going.
At times, I just break down and feel as if I am grounded
Only to realize you have gone never to return to this world.
When it was time for you to go
And you said “I want to go home”
Little did I realize that you meant to ‘Lord’s home’ 
And I thought it was our earthly home.
Making preparations to take you home
And there you left us for the heavenly abode
To join the Lord and be with Him forever.
Now I feel sad how dumb I was not to get your clue
And feel that I could have done something to save you.
But not sure if it was possible
As Lord had his plans already set.
Difficult for me to accept although I pray everyday
Lord thy will be done.
When it comes to reality
I give thought to my sensitivity
Without even thinking that our God always does
Good for us in all our ways.
I thank God for the days and nights
Every day being a new day
Appreciating and thanking God for His mercies
Till we meet again
I see you in my dreams
Walking together to church and malls.
When I open my eyes
I realize it is only a dream
But I cherish that dream for the rest of the day
Only to dream again to hold your hands
You are my dear husband, my Darling, my friend 
The Lord is my strength and fortress.
My grandchildren keep me going 
And make me feel to look for a new day.
I thank the Lord for all His love and mercies
And for our Daughters-in-law for their concern
We will meet again once my journey in this world is done.

A Tribute of Love from :

Sorrowing wife Jessie Rodrigues, sons, daughters-in-law & grandchildren