Praveen Tauro


Congratulations on your 50th birthday!

Your presence has changed our lives for the better.

Wishing you many happy returns on this milestone birthday!

Have a great day!


You're proof that 50 is fierce and fabulous !




Loving wishes from :

Mother - Emiliana Tauro

Wife - Renita Tauro

Son - Ethan Tauro


Siblings :

 Jane / Andrew - Ashton Misquith (Dubai)

 Maxim / Precilla - Preemal Tauro (Kulshekar)

 Doreen / Nicholas Lewis (Kulshekar)

(Nilan / Preema - Nathaniel & Navaah Lewis

Nithin / Lolita- Loraine Niva Lewis

Neville / Priyanka Lewis)

 Manohar / Premila- Menaal & Michelle Tauro (Bendoor)

 Ashok / Veronica- Ashton Tauro (Dubai)

 Prakash / Laveena - Melora Tauro (Kulshekar)