Thanksgiving on Diamond Birthday

Sr Marceline Rego

Holy Cross Convent, Trasi
D/o the late Martin and the late Theresa Rego, Sakleshpur

Date of Birth: 14th August 1954

In 1991, I was totally shattered due to Cancer and doctors who treated me were of the opinion that I would not survive. But by the grace of God Almighty I am living till this date with sufficient good health to lead my daily life and to perform regular duties. For this, I will remain ever  grateful to God Almighty and praise his deeds throughout my life. I will also be ever grateful to Dr Furtado for performing surgery even though my condition was bad.

As a nun of the Mercy of the Holy Cross Congregation, I got an opportunity to become a teacher at Neermarga in Mangalore and Trasi in Kundapur Taluk and thereby to teach students numbering in thousands. Apart from that I had the privilege to give a little service to the Church and the people there.

At this stage of my Diamond Birthday, I profusely thank the past and present Provincial Superiors of Mercy of the Holy Cross Congregation, Superiors of Neermarga and Trasi Convents, all my fellow Sisters, the Parish Priests and faithful of both the places, School Correspondents, fellow teachers and all the students.

I also thank all the Sisters with whom I have lived and living and all the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross Congregation, all my relatives and friends.

I request all of you to pray for me so that I can lead my retired life with good health, courage and peace of mind.

I specially thank one of my relatives (who wishes to remain anonymous) with whose encouragement and financial support, it has become possible to publish this note of gratitude.

Sr Marceline Rego