Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary

Jerome & Margaret Pais

22.5.1973 - 22.5.2013


Dear Dad & Mum,

For 40 years, you’ve shown us how to live.
Your marriage demonstrates it best, how to love and how to give.
You always had a helping hand, a smile and a dose of cheer;
Your selfless, sweet devotion kept us sheltered, year by year.
Today as both of you look back with happiness and pride,
upon the 40 years that you’ve spent side by side,
May your love flourish as more years go by
May Almighty God always bless you Mum & dad

Wishing you a Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary.


With Love from your Children

Sonia / Letchu – Aryan & Aidan

Johan / Reena - Tia