Happy Birthday

Calvin D'Mello

April 19, 2013

Dearest Calvin

Today is the best day in the rest of the life of our dearest Calvin. We his parents feel immensely proud of him and thank and praise God for him for having completed 14 beautiful, successful, meaningful and colourful years of his precious valuable life. Congratulations to Calvin for the same.

We pray that Calvin may have a long life with good health and peace of mind. May he enjoy his life to the full each and every day of his life. May he have the strength and determination to take his life as it comes.

Our dear loving friends, benefactors and well wishers of Calvin,

We fully believe that it is on account of your kind and generous financial help and prayers, Calvin, our eldest son, in spite of being a differently abled boy both physically and mentally retarded from birth, could lead a decent and dignified human living in our family. We are ever grateful and thankful to you for your magnanimous help that you have given to us to meet huge medical bills incurred for the treatment of Calvin. 

Your loving financial contribution was a strong support to Calvin to undergo an open heart surgery in 2004, surgical operation of his both legs in 2009. Even though Calvin suffered grievously, your love and cares that you showed to him through your help and prayers, turned his unbearable pain with tears of joy and happiness.

At present he is badly losing strength to stand straight. The days he has become irritated, restless, treats himself cruelly. It has become an agonizing task for us his parents to deal with him on account of his rude behaviour. Even though he does not behave intentionally, his situation at present has gone from bad to worse, still we trust in the providential care of God who does not desert those who rely on him and your generous kind support.

It is one thing to take care of him with great difficulty and another most important thing is to see to the expenses incurred for Calvin. By God’s merciful grace we could manage with him in spite of his uncontrolled behaviours still we depend on you for your kind financial support to take care of him and his heavy medical expenses. As in the past you have donated generously without counting the cost, we firmly believe in plan of God for Calvin that you will continue to support us financially to meet his medical as well other expenses. Calvin being a differently abled boy will be dependent on us for his sustenance and medical treatment till his final journey, your kind help will make us energized and empowered to face any unpredictable and unforeseen realities of Calvin’s life in future.

We and our son Calvin pray to God to shower His choicest blessings on you and on your near and dear ones for your kind and generous financial assistance to Calvin’s medical treatment. May God protect you and grant you good health and repay you hundred times more for your loving contribution to Calvin.

With kind regards

Charles and Linet D’Mello

(Parents of Calvin D’Mello)

Moblie (0091) 99646 02827

Email: dmello.charles@yahoo.in