Love Knows No Limits to its Endurance, No Ends to its Trust,
Love still stands, when all else Has Fallen
Felix D’Souza
Son of the late Charles & Mercine D’Souza, Belmar
Asha Lissi
Daughter of Mark & Juliana Pereira, Cherkady
Married on December 28, 2012 in Sacred Heart Church, Kolalgiri
For a Special Couple on Your Wedding Day
Love grows deeper, stronger,
and more beautiful
When it is planted by God
…Kept in His Will
…Nourished by his Word
and warmed by the sunshine
of His ever – abiding presence
May you always walk together
in the happy ways of love
Trusting in the grace of God
To lead you from above.
Congratulations on your Wedding !
Best Wishes From
Family Members,
Relatives & Friends
Contact: 91 97315 94369
91 98807 83158

Zion Digital Studio, Santhekatte