Congratulations Ivan & Lydwin Lobo, Canada

On your Silver Wedding Anniversary


(December 30, 1987 – December 30, 2012)

Dearest Ivan & Lydwin

Your marriage was settled in heaven
Is beautiful and rare.
And brings a life of happiness
Just like the one you share.
God gave you two a special love
For He knew you would cherish it with care
And now you deserve a lovely day
Certainly you are a very special pair

Here’s your Wedding Invitation phrase
You upheld with abundant God’s grace
“Today we are marching towards the altar
To say Yes to each other
Not only to Share Love
But to Share Life Forever”

Twenty Five years you spent together
All these years you held on to your vow
Life was never easy in those years
Yet warm and bright you continued your love
For better or worse, through thick and thin,
You've been there side by side
Sharing the laughter and the tears
Through life's uncertain ride.

Leon & Lillian are your talented adorable children
‘Love God and thy neighbour’ is your household passion
serving community thro’ MAC without expectation
your outstanding helping nature with no comparison
How your simplicity & humbleness deserves all salutation!

Today as both of you look back
with happiness and pride
Upon the twenty five years
That you've spent side by side,

May every memory that you share
Of dreams you've seen come true,
Help make this special Silver day
A happy one for you!

You’re a wonderful couple
joined by God above
May your marriage continue
in all God’s love!


With loads of love and prayers:

Your near and dear ones
From Derebail, Mumbai, Dubai & Canada.