Ashleyn Rohit Castelino
Son of Alexis & Reena Castelino
Brother of Ashral Rithika Castelino
Makale / Doha- Qatar
Received First Holy Communion on Thursday December 15, 2011
in the Church of Holy Cross Cordel, Kulshekar, Mangalore
May you always feel
as close to Jesus
as you do today.
May you always
count on Him
to gently guide you
on your way.
May you always
trust in God
to answer every
single prayer.
May you always feel
Him blessing you
with tender, loving care.
Showers of Blessings & the Best wishes from,
Family Members, Relatives & Friends.
Email :
Mobile : 91 72046 64510
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Pic By: Annu, Bejai