Son of Marcelline & the Late Bernard D'Costa
Daughter of Juliana & Jerome D'Souza
Married on Sunday November 6, 2011
in the Church of Our Lady of Loretto , Loretto.
A wedding of two people
of quality and character,
so obviously right for each other,
is a joy and a blessing to the world.
May your fondest hopes, wishes and dreams
all come true,
as you grow closer together
in an unshakeable, loving bond.
May your marriage be filled
with sunshine and rainbows
and every kind of happiness
you two so richly deserve.
Congratulations, and every good wish
for the best things life has to offer you.
Congratulations on your Wedding
Best Wishes From:-
Family Members, Relatives & Friends
Resi No 91 8255 282514, 91 97417 38219
Email : jvtdsouza@yahoo.com
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