“No Feelings more wonderful could one feel,
No two sould trueras mate could one will,
God bless the day we found each other,
For you I’d have reached the world over”
Mervin Jeevan
Son of the Late Fredrick & Faustine Andrade, Sasthan
Mariet Priyanka
Daughter of Marcel & Juliet Andrade, Nagarmutt, Barkur
Married on Saturday October 15, 2011
in the church of St. Peter’s, Barkur.
With the very best of wishes
And congratulations, too,
On married life that’s just begun
So happily for you,
And may you find throughout the years
That nothing can compare
With all the joy and happiness
Which you will always share
Wishing you both
a bright and beautiful
lifetime of happiness together
Blessing & Best Wishes From:
Congratulations on your Wedding
Wishes from:-
Family Members
Relatives and Friends
91 97399 28367
Email: - mervin.andrade@gmail.com
Pic by Stephen - Mayur Studio, Barkur