Arun Adarsh
S/o Norbert & Lilly Martis
Reena Flavia
D/o Victor & Monica Fernandes
Married  on Saturday, May 1, 2010
in the Church of St. Lawrence, Moodbelle.

Life begins for us all with nothing but love,
so perfect and full, that is given from above.
Then each of our paths differs from another
as we learn about love from a father and mother,
from brothers and sisters, family and friends.
In a world where nothing lasts we find love never ends.
So we travel a path searching for a perfect love
to share, like that which we receive from above.

Hearty congratulations on your wedding !

Wishes  From:
Relatives & Friends
Gangela House
Phone: 91 820 2554689
Cell:     91 97400 64206

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Pic by : Arul Crystal Studio Shirva.